189 research outputs found

    Motivic Milnor fibre for nondegenerate function germs on toric singularities

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    We study function germs on toric varieties which are nondegenerate for their Newton diagram. We express their motivic Milnor fibre in terms of their Newton diagram. We extend a formula for the motivic nearby fibre to the case of a toroidal degeneration. We illustrate this by some examples.Comment: 14 page

    The study of the canonical Watson-Crick DNA base pairs by Moller-Plesset perturbation method: the nature of their stability

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    Gas-phase gradient optimization was carried out on the canonical Watson-Crick DNA base pairs using the second-order Moller-Plesset (MP2) perturbation method at the 6-31G* and 6-31G*(0.25) basis sets. It is detected that full geometry optimization at the MP2 level leads to an intrinsically nonplanar propeller-twisted and buckled geometry of G-C and A-T base pairs. Morokuma-Kitaura (MK) and reduced variational space (RVS) methods of the decomposition for molecular Hartree-Fock interaction energies were used for the investigation of the hydrogen bonding in the Watson-Crick base pairs in question. It is shown that the stability of the hydrogen-bonded DNA base pairs originates mainly from electrostatic interactions. At the same time the polarization, charge transfer and dispersion interactions also make considerable contribution to the attraction energy of bases.Використовуючи теорію збурень Моллера-Плессета у другому порядку, проведено градієнтну оптимізацію канонічних уотсон-криківських пар основ у базисах 6-31G* і 6-31G*(0,25). Знайдено, що повна оптимізація геометрії на рівні МР2 спричинює внутрішньо неплоску пропелер-повернуту і вигнуту геометрію пар основ G-C і А-Т. Для дослідження водневих зв'язків в уотсон-криківських парах використано методи Мо­року ми-Кітаури та зменшеного варіаційного простору для розкладу хартрі-фоківської енергії молекулярної взаємодії. По­казано, що стабільність водневих зв'язків пар основ переважно з'являється за рахунок електростатичної взаємодії. В той же час поляризаційна і исперсійна компоненти та взаємодія з перенесенням заряду також роблять значний внесок в енергію притяжіння основ.Используя теорию возмущений Моллера-Плессета во втором порядке, проведена градиентная оптимизация канонических уотсон-криковских пар оснований в базисах 6-31G* и 6-31G* (0,25). Обнаружено, что полная оптимизация геометрии на уровне МР2 приводит к внутренне неплоской пропеллер-повернутой и изогнутой геометрии пар оснований G-C и А-Т. Для исследования водородных связей в уотсон-криковских парах оснований использованы методы Морокумы-Китауры и умень­шенного вариационного пространства для разложения хартри-фоковской энергии молекулярного взаимодействия. Показано, что стабильность водородно-связанных пар оснований возни­кает, как правило, благодаря электростатическим взаимодей­ствиям. В то же время поляризационная и дисперсионная компоненты, а также взаимодействие с переносом заряда в свою очередь вносят значительный вклад в энергию притяже­ния оснований

    Graph hypersurfaces and a dichotomy in the Grothendieck ring

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    The subring of the Grothendieck ring of varieties generated by the graph hypersurfaces of quantum field theory maps to the monoid ring of stable birational equivalence classes of varieties. We show that the image of this map is the copy of Z generated by the class of a point. Thus, the span of the graph hypersurfaces in the Grothendieck ring is nearly killed by setting the Lefschetz motive L to zero, while it is known that graph hypersurfaces generate the Grothendieck ring over a localization of Z[L] in which L becomes invertible. In particular, this shows that the graph hypersurfaces do not generate the Grothendieck ring prior to localization. The same result yields some information on the mixed Hodge structures of graph hypersurfaces, in the form of a constraint on the terms in their Deligne-Hodge polynomials.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    The molecular mechanism of the spontaneous substitution mutations caused by tautomerism of bases: Post Hartree-Fock study of the DNA rare base pairs

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    Gas-phase gradient optimization of the DNA rare base pairs containing lactam-lactim and amino-imino tautomers was carried oat using the Hartree-Fock (HF), Density Functional Theory (DFT) and the second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation (MP2) methods at the 6-31G(d, p) basis set. It is shown that full geometry optimization at the MP2 level leads to an intrinsically nonplanar propeller-twisted and buckled geometry of G*-T and G-T* base pairs. The nonplanarity of the pairs is caused by pyramidalization of the amino nitrogen atoms, which is underestimated by the HF and DFT methods. This justifies the importance of geometry optimization at the MP2 level for obtaining reliable prediction of the charge distribution, molecular dipole moments and geometrical structure of the base pairs. The comparison of the formation energies for the rare base pairs shows the energetical preference of the G*-T and A-C* base pairs as compared with the G-T* and A*-C ones, respectively. It is detected that the stabilization energies of the G-T* and A*-C base pairs describing the interaction between monomers are essentially larger than those of the G*-T and A-C* base pairs, respectively. An analysis of the decomposition members for molecular HF interaction energies by Morokuma-Kitaura (MK) and the Reduced Variational Space (RVS) methods showed that the nature of a larger stability of the G-T* and A*-C base pairs as compared to the G*-T and A-C* ones is due to the electrostatic interactions by 60–65 % and the polarization and charge transfer interactions by 35–40 %.Здійснено газофазну градієнтну оптимізацію рідкісних пар основ ДНК, які включають у себе лактам-лактимні і аміно-імінні таутомери, за допомогою методу Хартрі-Фока (ХФ), теорії функціонала густини (ТФГ) та другого порядку теорії збурень Моллера-Плессета (МП2) у базисі 6-31G(d, р). Пока­зано, що повна оптимізація геометрії на рівні МП2 веде до внутрішньо неплоскої пропелер-обертальної і вигнутої гео­метрії пар основ G*-T і G-T*. Неплощинність пар обумовлена пірамідалізацією атомів азоту аміногрупи, яка недооціню­ється методами ХФ і ТФГ. Це виправдовує важливість оптимізації геометрії на рівні МП2 для отримання помірко­ ваного передбачення розподілу зарядів, молекулярних диполь­них моментів і геометричної структури пар основ. Порів­няння енергій формування рідкісних пар основ демонструє енергетичну перевагу пар основ G*-T і А-С* стосовно пар G-T* і А*-С. Виявлено, що величини енергій стабілізації пар основ G-T* і А*-С, які описують взаємодію між мономерами, значно більші за аналогічні значення пар основ G*-T і А-С* відповідно. Використовуючи аналіз членів розкладання ХФ енергій молеку­лярної взаємодії методами Морокуми-Кітаури і зменшеного варіаційного простору, знайдено, що природа більшої стабіль­ності пар основ G-T* і А*-С порівняно з парами G*-T і А-С* на 60–65 % обумовлена електростатичними взаємодіями і на 35–40 % — поляризаційними взаємодіями і взаємодіями з перенесенням заряду відповідно.Gas-phase gradient optimization of the DNA rare base pairs containing lactam-lactim and amino-imino tautomers was carried oat using the Hartree-Fock (HF), Density Functional Theory (DFT) and the second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation (MP2) methods at the 6-31G(d, p) basis set. It is shown that full geometry optimization at the MP2 level leads to an intrinsically nonplanar propeller-twisted and buckled geometry of G*-T and G-T* base pairs. The nonplanarity of the pairs is caused by pyramidalization of the amino nitrogen atoms, which is underestimated by the HF and DFT methods. This justifies the importance of geometry optimization at the MP2 level for obtaining reliable prediction of the charge distribution, molecular dipole moments and geometrical structure of the base pairs. The comparison of the formation energies for the rare base pairs shows the energetical preference of the G*-T and A-C* base pairs as compared with the G-T* and A*-C ones, respectively. It is detected that the stabilization energies of the G-T* and A*-C base pairs describing the interaction between monomers are essentially larger than those of the G*-T and A-C* base pairs, respectively. An analysis of the decomposition members for molecular HF interaction energies by Morokuma-Kitaura (MK) and the Reduced Variational Space (RVS) methods showed that the nature of a larger stability of the G-T* and A*-C base pairs as compared to the G*-T and A-C* ones is due to the electrostatic interactions by 60–65 % and the polarization and charge transfer interactions by 35–40 %

    Exceptional Sequences of Line Bundles and Spherical Twists - a Toric Example

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    Exceptional sequences of line bundles on a smooth projective toric surface are automatically full when they can be constructed via augmentation. By using spherical twists, we give examples that there are also exceptional sequences which can not be constructed this way but are nevertheless full.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    A Quantum-Conceptual Explanation of Violations of Expected Utility in Economics

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    The expected utility hypothesis is one of the building blocks of classical economic theory and founded on Savage's Sure-Thing Principle. It has been put forward, e.g. by situations such as the Allais and Ellsberg paradoxes, that real-life situations can violate Savage's Sure-Thing Principle and hence also expected utility. We analyze how this violation is connected to the presence of the 'disjunction effect' of decision theory and use our earlier study of this effect in concept theory to put forward an explanation of the violation of Savage's Sure-Thing Principle, namely the presence of 'quantum conceptual thought' next to 'classical logical thought' within a double layer structure of human thought during the decision process. Quantum conceptual thought can be modeled mathematically by the quantum mechanical formalism, which we illustrate by modeling the Hawaii problem situation, a well-known example of the disjunction effect, and we show how the dynamics in the Hawaii problem situation is generated by the whole conceptual landscape surrounding the decision situation.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Magnetic field effect on tunnel ionization of deep impurities by terahertz radiation

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    A suppression of tunnelling ionization of deep impurities in terahertz frequency electric fields by a magnetic field is observed. It is shown that the ionization probability at external magnetic field, B, oriented perpendicular to the electric field of terahertz radiation, E, is substantially smaller than that at B || E. The effect occurs at low temperatures and high magnetic fields

    Kazan period of life-sustaining activity of professor V.I. Ra-zumovsky — a pioneer of Russian neurosurgery

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    There were presented historical data of life-sustaining activity of professor V. I. Razumovsky — a pioneer of Russian neurosurgery, who began to perform and then was performing systematically neurosurgical operations in the Kazan clinic under the guidance of outstanding neurologists V. M. Bekhterev and L. O. Darkshevich

    The Hodge--Poincar\'e polynomial of the moduli spaces of stable vector bundles over an algebraic curve

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    Let X be a nonsingular complex projective variety that is acted on by a reductive group GG and such that XssX(0)sX^{ss} \neq X_{(0)}^{s}\neq \emptyset. We give formulae for the Hodge--Poincar\'e series of the quotient X(0)s/GX_{(0)}^s/G. We use these computations to obtain the corresponding formulae for the Hodge--Poincar\'e polynomial of the moduli space of properly stable vector bundles when the rank and the degree are not coprime. We compute explicitly the case in which the rank equals 2 and the degree is even.Comment: Final published version. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:math/0305346, arXiv:math/0305347 by other author